Device Repair Guy - business intelligence

Details   With multiple stores and employees, The Device Repair Guy uses web based customer management and billing systems to track inventory, issue invoices, record customer payments and calculate employee commissions.
Quote   The Device Repair Guy has been using the doLithe CRM system for over two years now. The system has helped the company grow from the "owner operator" to eleven staff and two ground floor shops in this short period of time. We are using the CRM to keep track of our clients, client accounts, stock levels, to record shop sales, daily balances and reports for stock ordering and performance tracking.

Olmec has been able to extend the system to meet our growing demands every time within only few days and with very reasonable cost. We are extremely happy with the product and the service and are more than willing to talk to anyone about our experience and journey considering the system for their business.

Milan Mogin - Business owner
The Device Repair Guy Group Limited
Project Type   Web based customer billing
Location   Wellington
Tags     billing  invoicing  crm  ecommerce  retail  products  reporting 
AR attributes hidden   2

Staying on top

In the rapidly moving world of mobile technology it is vital that the Device Repair Guy has a real time view on sales volume and stock counts for the numerous component parts they sell. This makes it easy to identify the most common and profitable repairs as well as maintaining appropriate inventory.

With multiple shops, the Device Repair Guy requires the ability to monitor sales, customers and stock between sites so the internet based software system makes perfect sense while also offering plenty of scope of expansion.


The ins and outs of payments

Integrated point of sale (POS) capabilities means inventory levels are automatically adjusted as purchases are completed and financial reporting gives up to the minute feed back on profitability.

As technical staff complete jobs and generate invoices for time and materials their commission based remuneration is available at any time making staff salary payments quick and easy.