Member management and communication

Site membership offers your trusted clients additional value by gaining access to their online account information or additional site content.

When members sign up to your site you will receive email notification outlining details about this new member. This provides an opportunity to contact the site user and find out how they located your site or if you can offer additional assistance.

Combined with data extract tools, the member option allows you to collect information, such as contact details, that can later be extracted and pasted into other programs such as Outlook or Access.

When used with member mail and document builder, you can create auto formatted documents from pre-built templates for easy billing, invoicing and much more.

client database

client database

User management tools allow you to offer site memberships to clients and create additional administrators for your site. Member profiles allow for password access to restricted site content, ordering of site items and basic accounting features. Manage an online database of your clients and/or members. Send personalised communications and integrate with account features.

Other features

  • Send email and newsletters to all or selected users


Member / customer feedback

Member / customer feedback

Allow registered users to submit feedback, ask questions and otherwise participate in online content generation.
$2.00  monthly